Advantages and disadvantages of riding bicycles to school

Advantages and disadvantages of riding bicycles to school

  •   06/03/2020 12:49:00 AM
  •   Đã xem: 61523
In about 150 – 180 words, write about the advantages and disadvantages of riding bicycles to school: Together with our development, our transports has improved a lot. Therefore, nowadays,  many people use cars or motorbikes to go to work or take their children to school.
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Write about the advantages and disadvantages of riding bicycles to school

  •   04/03/2020 05:25:00 AM
  •   Đã xem: 3028
In about 150 – 180 words, write about the advantages and disadvantages of riding bicycles to school:Nowadays, many people think that bicycles are one of the best means of transport in Viet Nam. Not only young people but also the old can use bicycles. Most especially, bicycles are also used to go to school by students everyday.....
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